Equipping Christians Ministries
Leading the Misled to Truth


I have been a Mormon all my life. I too do not believe that Mormons are bad and it is very refreshing to see a web site that isn't full of hate and anger. I have been very blessed to have had many wonderful friends in the church. I have had many years of an uncomfortable feeling that this was not the only way back to God. I as of yet have not asked to be taken off the records of the church, but do not attend. People I have known for many years have had a hard timewith believing I could still be a spiritual person, even though slowly over timeI have developed a different opinion. I would never make light of the Temple ceremonies because I know to them it is sacred whether I believe it or not. I also do not wear the temple garments anymore, but respect their freedom to worship however they feel. I feel peaceful and calm about my decision although it has been very hard because it has been a lifestyle I have lived all my life. I am so grateful that I know that God lives and loves me and accepts me and knows my heart is sincere.

Thank you for your letter. Our site is not to fill people full of hate or to display any anger, but to present only factual things. We have been very prudent in ensuring that all the quotes we use are contained within context and not used to persecute, but to educate others in what the differences are between the Christian Religion and Mormonism. Our site, along with others, have been very instrumental in mentoring and helping those who wish to leave the LDS Church and we work in bringing them into the love and the light of Jesus Christ and the truth of God.

God wants all of us to have an intimate relationship with Him, if we seek him we shall find Him. The beauty of God is He is there waiting for us, no matter what time of day or night; while we may feel we are not ready, He is always ready. As you may have seen on our site, the difference between what the Bible teaches us about Christ and what Mormonism teaches are completely different. Did you know that there are over 22,000 documents that support the New Testament and its validity, and that there are no errors?

Jesus tells that “I am the way, the truth and light, NO ONE comes to the father except through me.” Without the true Christ, Jesus of the Bible, we have no salvation, for only God can forgive sins, not man.

Most of us who have left the LDS Church feel an emptiness when we leave. I see by your letter you, too, feel this emptiness. The good news is that it can be replaced by something that is far above and beyond that emptiness and that is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and belief in salvation through Him only. For we are saved by grace through faith.

If you have not done so yet, please take time to read Romans 10:9-10, and pray the “sinner’s prayer:”

Dear Lord, I know that I am a sinner and cannot meet the holiness you require of me, but I have faith in Jesus Christ. I ask you forgive me of my sins. I believe that Jesus died for my sins, that He was buried, that He rose from the dead, and that He sits next to you on His throne in heaven. I ask that you come into my heart. I accept you as Lord and Savior of my life. I ask this in Jesus Name, Amen.

If you have prayed this prayer (or something like it in your own words), start with reading the book of John. If you have any questions whatsoever you can e-mail us; we will help you with anything you may need. God bless you L___, for the Lord will be with you always. Remember, our salvation is sealed with Jesus Christ, we can not lose it and it can not be taken. “Lo I am with you even unto the ends of the earth.”






"For I am not ashamed of the Good News, since it is God's powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile."

(Romans 1:16, CJB) 

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